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1935 Ladies bike Bismark

Firma Bergerhof, Pfalz

In 1896 the merchants David-Heinrich Böhme, Hermann Frowein, Richard Guhl and Richard Halbach founded the society under the name "Fahrradwerke Bismarck GmbH" in Bergerhof (Rheinland) with registered capital 300, 000 gold marks.
Even in the choice of the name of the company it was decided that the bicycles Bismarck brand had to be of the best quality.
The Prince Otto von Bismarc willingly allowed the company to operate his name.
The plant was situated in Rheinland in the immediate vicinity from the raw materials base. All main parts of the bicycles were made at the plant which was a particular advantage.
The production of the first bicycle began in 1897 and a year later the 1000th bike left the factory. In 1948 there were produced 1,000,000 bicycles.

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