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Frame - chrome steel spatial frame
Body - Carbon fiber
Max speed: 80 km/h
Weight - 179 kg
Range of course - 50 km

This solar electric automobile was planned and built in 1987 by Andrea Pesaresi (Osimo, Ancona). It is powered by an electric motor providing about 3,4 kW, fed by a battery pack of 40 Nichel-Cadmio units, providing 1,9 kWh. The 18 high efficiency monocrystalline solar panels mounted on the wings provide energy to the batteries; their rated power is 0,6 kW, according to the available sun’s energy. The electronic control unit manages both the recharging of the batteries and the powering of the motor. The body shell, carbon- and fiberglass, has also frame's stiffening function . This car debuted at the Grand Prix 4E held in Milano in 1988 and took part in competitions for solar electric vehicles until 1991.

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