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Museu do Caramulo

The museum was founded in 1950 by two brothers, Abel and João de Lacerda in the small town of Caramulo. In the collection has about 100 exhibits. For 50 years the museum was visited by more than 1 million people.


81 exhibit
17 panoramas

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Hay dos edificios el primero con artículos de arte,juguetes y algún coche cedidos al museo y el segundo con motos y coches del año de la polca. Me gusto...pero faltaban más coches y más motos.

lamorta, Portugal

Visit virtual tour of Museu do Caramulo museum

Visit all halls of Museu do Caramulo museum and learn story of each exhibit. ou don't need to go to another country, plan time for visiting and jostle with other visitors. Visit museums in calm environment near your computer.

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